秘密间谍 The Secret Agent 英文原版小说 秘密特工 希区柯克电影原著 百佳侦探小说 [平装]

秘密间谍 The Secret Agent 英文原版小说 秘密特工 希区柯克电影原著 百佳侦探小说 [平装]

书籍作者:Joseph Conrad ISBN:9781847498267
书籍语言:简体中文 连载状态:全集
电子书格式:pdf,txt,epub,mobi,azw3 下载次数:8392
创建日期:2023-04-07 发布日期:2023-04-07
The shop owner Adolf Verloc, member of an anarchist group and secret agent for a foreign government, is summoned to meet Mr Vladimir, the country's ambassador, who asks him to carry out a terrorist attack at a famous London landmark. Verloc has misgivings, but Mr Vladimir knows how to make people do what he wants, and when the plan goes wrong, it is Verloc - as well as his young wife, Winnie - who must deal with the consequences.

A story of espionage, intrigue and corruption based on a real-life attempted terrorist attack in Victorian London, The Secret Agent was one of literature's first political thrillers, and is widely considered to be among Conrad's most compelling works.


约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857—1924),出生于波兰,20岁之前还不能流利地说英语,38岁时出版di一部小说,却被认为是用英语写作的作家中zui伟大的小说家之一。他十七岁时前往马赛学习航海,在海上生活达二十余年,36岁时因为糟糕的健康和对写作的痴迷而放弃海上生活,开始专著于小说创作。康拉德一生共出版长、短篇作品四十余部,是英国现代小说的先行者之一。他的叙事风格和反英雄人物塑造影响了后世很多作家,包括D.H.劳伦斯、F.S.菲茨杰拉德、威廉·福克纳、欧内斯特·海明威、伊塔罗·卡尔维诺、加西亚·马尔克斯、V.S.奈保尔、J.M.库切等诸多文学大师。

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born English novelist, whose works, most famously Heart of Darkness, took a cynical view of imperialism when the British Empire was at its apogee.

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