闃垮崪鏉滃嫆鎷夋墡鍏嬄峰彜灏旂撼 2021璇鸿礉灏旀枃瀛﹀寰椾富 灏忚 娴疯竟 鑻辨枃鍘熺増 By the Sea 澶 [骞宠]

闃垮崪鏉滃嫆鎷夋墡鍏嬄峰彜灏旂撼 2021璇鸿礉灏旀枃瀛﹀寰椾富 灏忚 娴疯竟 鑻辨枃鍘熺増 By the Sea 澶 [骞宠]

书籍作者:Abdulrazak Gurnah
书籍语言:简体中文 连载状态:全集
电子书格式:pdf,txt,epub,mobi,azw3 下载次数:9394
创建日期:2023-04-13 发布日期:2023-04-13


《海边》是2021年度诺贝尔文学奖获得者坦桑尼亚作家阿卜杜勒拉扎克·古尔纳(Abdulrazak Gurnah)于2001年创作的小说 。小说《海边》上演了一出失望和自欺欺人的戏剧。



11月下旬的一个下午,萨利赫·奥马尔从遥远的印度洋岛屿桑给巴尔抵达盖特维克机场。他带着一个小包,里面放着他珍贵的财产——一个装着香的红木盒子。他曾经拥有一家家具店,有一栋房子,是一位丈夫也是一位父亲。现在他是一个来自天堂的寻求庇护者;沉默是他唯一的保护。与此同时,拉提夫·马哈茂德(Latif Mahmud),一个与萨利赫的过去密切相关的人,一个人安静地生活在伦敦的公寓里。当萨利赫和拉蒂夫在英国的一个海滨城市相遇时,一个故事正被悄然揭开。


On a late November afternoon Saleh Omar arrives at Gatwick Airport from Zanzibar, a far away island in the Indian Ocean. With him he has a small bag in which there lies his most precious possession - a mahogany box containing incense. He used to own a furniture shop, have a house and be a husband and father. Now he is an asylum seeker from paradise; silence his only protection. Meanwhile Latif Mahmud, someone intimately connected with Saleh's past, lives quietly alone in his London flat. When Saleh and Latif meet in an English seaside town, a story is unravelled. It is a story of love and betrayal, of seduction and of possession, and of a people desperately trying to find stability amidst the maelstrom of their times.

《闃垮崪鏉滃嫆鎷夋墡鍏嬄峰彜灏旂撼 2021璇鸿礉灏旀枃瀛﹀寰椾富 灏忚 娴疯竟 鑻辨枃鍘熺増 By the Sea 澶 [骞宠]》电子书免费下载

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