The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea

书籍作者:Ernest Hemingway ISBN:9780684801223
书籍语言:简体中文 连载状态:全集
电子书格式:pdf,txt,epub,mobi,azw3 下载次数:6831
创建日期:2021-02-14 发布日期:2021-02-14
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power, it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman, down on his luck, and his supreme ordeal -- a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Here Hemingway recasts, in strikingly contemporary style, the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat, of personal triumph won from loss. Written in 1952, this hugely successful novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a large part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago in 1899, the second of six children. In 1917, he joined the Kansas City Star as a cub reporter. The following year, he volunteered as an ambulance driver on the Italian front, where he was badly wounded but decorated for his services. He returned to America in 1919, and married in 1921. In 1922, he reported on the Greco-Turkish war before resigning from journalism to devote himself to fiction. He settled in Paris, associating with other expatriates like Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. He was passionately involved with bullfighting, big-game hunting and deep-sea fishing. Recognition of his position in contemporary literature came in 1954 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, following the publication of The Old Man and the Sea. He died in 1961. (19980904)

  欧内斯特·米勒·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899年7月21日-1961年7月2日),美国记者和作家,被认为是20世纪知名的小说家之一。海明威出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市郊区的奥克帕克,晚年在爱达荷州凯彻姆的家中自杀身亡。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷失的一代”(Lost Generation)作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。
适读人群 :NA--NA

The Old Man and the Sea is a novel written by the American author Ernest Hemingway in 1951 in Cuba and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works it centers upon Santiago an aging fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. The Old Man and the Sea was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953 and was cited by the Nobel Committee as contributing to the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Hemingway in 1954.
  《老人与海》(英语:The Old Man and the Sea)是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,于1952年出版。它是海明威创作并在他还在世时出版的最后一部主要的虚构作品。作为他知名的作品之一,它围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗。虽然对它有不同的文学评价,但它在20世纪小说和海明威的作品中是值得注目的,奠定了他在世界文学中的突出地位,对于他1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖也起了重要作用。

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The Old Man and the Sea的书评


在海明威深刻细腻的文字描写背后,常感受到一颗空虚寂寞,渴望被认同并自我实现的心灵。在自己经验的意识里,跳动却始终无法从自我解脱的絮念的思想。 在《老人与海》一书中,老人竭尽全力要证实自己的力量,并不.........

2007-01-06 18:33


一 在我初次撰写本文的那些天,我在校园散步时读到一则讣告,本校一位退休工人在家中去世,享年104岁。讣告特别提到,他生前是一位淡泊、俭朴的老人。我在对他油然升起敬意的同时,也产生一丝惊讶,.........

2011-01-06 09:45


桑提亚哥,海明威中篇小说《老人与海》中的主人公。 1952年,《老人与海》出版,震动文坛。1953年,获得普利策文学创作奖。1954年,获得诺贝尔文学奖。理由是:“精通现代叙事艺术,突出表现在其近作《老人与海.........

2007-12-19 16:27



2008-02-24 11:48



2009-01-06 15:19

海明威的《老人与海》 By 王小波


2013-07-17 19:49
